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HTML Tutorial

Basic HTML
Struktur document HTML(Tag, Element, Attribute), Element HTML, Element HEAD, Element TITLE, Element BODY.

Format teks HTML
Element BR(line break), Element P(paragraph), Element H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6(header), Element B(bold), Element I(italic), Element U(underline), Element PRE(preformated text), Element CENTER, Element BASEFONT, Element FONT, Element HR(horizontal rule).

List in HTML
Element OL(ordered list), Element UL(unordered list), Element LI(list item) yang berguna untuk menyusun menu.

Table HTML
Element TABLE, Element CAPTION, Element TH(table header), Element TR(table row), Element TD(table data)yang sering dipakai untuk membuat tabel.

Image HTML
Include picture to your page site

Hyperlink HTML
How to create the clickable text using element A

Element FORM, Element INPUT, Element SELECT, Element OPTION, Element TEXTAREA.

Frame HTML
Berisi Element FRAMESET, Element FRAME, Element NOFRAMES.